(節錄自某醫院口腔顎面外科手冊 by 陳怡睿)
顎顏面骨折(Maxillofacial fracture)
ICD-9: 802
顎顏面骨折,會影響到以下五項功能:視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、呼吸,以及口腔功能。口腔功能包括語言及進食,後者可細分為咀嚼、味覺、吞嚥、咬合等。除了以上的功能,骨折會改變患者的外觀,甚至危及頭頸部的重要器官(腦、血管、神經等)。依創傷造成的力量大小,大於 5G 謂high-impact,小於 5G 為low-impact (1G = 海平面處之地球重力)。Upper 及 lower face 的傷害,須要 high-impact 的力量;而midface 的骨折,只要 low-impact 的力量就可以造成了。
顎顏面區域可分為upper face, midface, lower face三部分。
1. Upper face: frontal bone 及 frontal sinus
2. Midface
➢ Upper part: maxillary LeFort II, LeFort III fracture, nasal bone, nasoethmoidal (or nasoorbitoethmoidal, NOE) complex, zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC), orbital floor
➢ Lower part: LeFort I fracture
3. Lower face: mandible
➢ Fontal bone: 前額塌陷。frontal sinus 可分為anterior table, posterior table;後者的骨折會造成dural tear,症狀是 CSF rhinorrhea (CSF = cerebrospinal fluid)。Nasofrontal duct 阻塞。
➢ Orbital floor: 眼球或下眼眶受力之後,眼內壓增高,擠壓至最脆弱的眼眶內壁(medial wall)及地板(floor),造成骨折。眼瞼腫脹,瘀斑(ecchymosis),稱為Raccoon’s eye (浣熊眼),infraorbital nerve 受傷,造成眶下區、鼻翼及上唇皮膚的感覺異常。Blow-out fracture 指眼球的 periorbital fat 及下直肌,被orbital floor 裂痕夾住,甚至伸進(herniation) 上顎竇內。症狀為左右眼球不等高,眼球轉動受限,形成複視(diplopia)。
➢ Nasal bone: 鼻樑腫脹、疼痛,變形,流鼻血
➢ zygomatic arch: zygomaticotemporal suture 骨折,外形塌陷;若卡住coronoid process of mandible,張口會受到限制。
➢ NOEs: telecanthus (因內眼眼距加寬,鼻樑塌陷),CSF rhinorrea, 淚汪汪(epiphora) 因淚水塞住nasolacrimal duct
➢ Zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMCs): 有四段process – zygomaticotemporal, zygomaticofrontal, zygomaticomaxillary sutures, sphenoid bone;骨折處可延伸至infraorbital foramen, orbital floor。 Malar eminence 塌陷。
➢ Maxilla: LeFort I,II (nasofrontal suture),III (facial elongation)
➢ Alveolar: gingival bleeding, alveolus 動搖,牙齒動搖
➢ Mandible: 可分為四部分<condyle, angle, body, symphysis> 。表徴為malocclusion,mobility when bimanual palpation, intraoral edema, ecchymosis, bleeding, anterior open bite, inferior alveolar nerve 受傷 ,使下唇及下巴感覺異常。
診斷: 依上述臨床症狀,加上理學檢查,以及X-ray 及CT-scan 等影像檢查
−內科治療: O2, supportive, antibiotics, pain control
═手術適應症(Indication): 臉部變形,感覺神經異常,視力受損,咬合異常
═術前評估(Pre-OP evaluation): asymmetry, skin wound, teeth, bone injury, exophthalmos, visual acuity, superior orbital fissure syndrome, orbital apex syndrome, NOEs, telecanthus, CSF otorrhea, CSF rhinorrhea, Battle sign, movement of LeFort fracture, palpation, CN I~XII
═手術方法(Procedure): open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF), 原則順序為「向下至上、由外側而內側,自裡面到外面」。
═術後照護(Post-OP care): airway, swelling, oral intake, antibiotics
═術後併發症及其處置(Complications and management): aspiration, airway compromise, scars, ectropion of eyelid, facial deformity, nerve damage(sensory, facial movement, smell, taste, vision), chronic sinusitis, infection, malnutrition, malocclusion